Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Review the assignments for your classroom teacher and your Special Area class.
Teachers will post work in the Google Cassroom by 7:45am on NTI Weather days for students and parents to review prior to ZOOM office hours.
Ask questions & get help during ZOOM office hours.
All teachers and staff will be available on ZOOM between the hours of 8:30am - 10:30am each NTI Weather day.
Students may connect to the ZOOM link posted in each teacher's Google Classroom or on Class DOJO at any time during the ZOOM online hours.
If you need help or assistance after ZOOM office hours have ended try emailing the teacher or sending a message in Class Dojo.
Complete the assignments posted and turn in. You have 3 days after we return to school to turn in NTI assignments for participation credit.
Logging on to ZOOM during NTI weather days is not required for students - but it is an available option for students needing extra support of any kind.
Participation is required - not attendance. Students show participation by completing work posted in Google Classroom.
Students have 3 days to turn in assignments after school resumes.
Teachers will not be conducting live classes or introducing new material or curriculum to students.